原理探索 dex文件 我们在正向开发app编译时,编写的java代码,会编译成java字节码保存在.class后缀的文件中。然后再用dx工具将java字节码转换成dex文件(Dalvik字节码)。在转换的过程中,会将所有java字节码中的所有冗余信息组成一个常量池。例如多个class文件中都存在的字符串”hello world”。转换后将单独存放在一个地方,并且所有类共享。包括方法的签名也会组成常量池。我们将编译好的apk文件解压后就能拿到classes.dex文件。
dex文件格式 1、DexFile结构 上面拿到的classes.dex文件包含了apk的可执行代码。Dalvik虚拟机会解析加载文件并执行代码。只要我们了解这个文件格式的组成,那么就可以自己解析这个文件获取到想要的数据。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 struct DexFile { const DexOptHeader* pOptHeader; const DexHeader* pHeader; const DexStringId* pStringIds; const DexTypeId* pTypeIds; const DexFieldId* pFieldIds; const DexMethodId* pMethodIds; const DexProtoId* pProtoIds; const DexClassDef* pClassDefs; const DexLink* pLinkData; const DexClassLookup* pClassLookup; const void * pRegisterMapPool; const u1* baseAddr; int overhead; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 struct DexHeader { u1 magic[8 ]; u4 checksum; u1 signature[kSHA1DigestLen]; u4 fileSize; u4 headerSize; u4 endianTag; u4 linkSize; u4 linkOff; u4 mapOff; u4 stringIdsSize; u4 stringIdsOff; u4 typeIdsSize; u4 typeIdsOff; u4 protoIdsSize; u4 protoIdsOff; u4 fieldIdsSize; u4 fieldIdsOff; u4 methodIdsSize; u4 methodIdsOff; u4 classDefsSize; u4 classDefsOff; u4 dataSize; u4 dataOff; };
这里可以看到,如果在DexHeader中,可以找到其他部分的偏移和大小,以及整个文件的大小,解析出这块数据,其他部分的任意数据,我们都可以获取到。然后再使用对应的结构体来解析。另外留意这里DexHeader的结构体的大小是固定0x70字节的。所以有的脱壳工具中会将70 00 00 00
3、string_ids 先看看字符串列表的结构体,非常简单,就是字符串的偏移,但是并不是普通的ascii字符串,而是MUTF-8编码的。这个是一个经过修改的UTF-8编码。和传统的UTF-8相似
1 2 3 struct DexStringId { u4 stringDataOff; };
4、type_ids 类型签名列表的结构体也是非常简单,和上面字符串列表差不多
1 2 3 struct DexTypeId { u4 descriptorIdx; };
5、proto_ids 方法声明的列表的结构体较为复杂,因为方法签名必然是有几点信息构成:返回值类型、参数类型列表(就是每个参数是什么类型)。方法声明的结构体如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 struct DexTypeList { u4 size ; DexTypeItem list [1 ]; }; struct DexTypeItem { u2 typeIdx; }; struct DexProtoId { u4 shortyIdx; u4 returnTypeIdx; u4 parametersOff; };
6、field_ids 字段描述的结构体,我们可以先想象一下,要找一个字段,我们需要些什么:字段所属的类,字段的类型,字段名称。有这些信息,就可以找到各自对应的字段了。接下来看看定义的结构体
1 2 3 4 5 struct DexFieldId { u2 classIdx; u2 typeIdx; u4 nameIdx; };
7、method_ids 方法描述的结构体,同样先了解找一个方法的几个必须项:方法所属的类,方法的签名(签名中有方法的返回值和方法的参数,也就是上面的proto_ids中记录的),方法的名称。然后下面看结构体
1 2 3 4 5 struct DexMethodId { u2 classIdx; u2 protoIdx; u4 nameIdx; };
8、class_def 类定义的结构体,这个比较复杂。直接贴上结构体和原文的说明。这里大致可以看出来,和上面的原理差不多,通过这个结构体来描述类的内容。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 struct DexClassDef { u4 classIdx; u4 accessFlags; u4 superclassIdx; u4 interfacesOff; u4 sourceFileIdx; u4 annotationsOff; u4 classDataOff; u4 staticValuesOff; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 struct DexClassDataHeader { u4 staticFieldsSize; u4 instanceFieldsSize; u4 directMethodsSize; u4 virtualMethodsSize; }; struct DexField { u4 fieldIdx; u4 accessFlags; }; struct DexMethod { u4 methodIdx; u4 accessFlags; u4 codeOff; }; struct DexClassData { DexClassDataHeader header; DexField* staticFields; DexField* instanceFields; DexMethod* directMethods; DexMethod* virtualMethods; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 struct DexCode { u2 registersSize; u2 insSize; u2 outsSize; u2 triesSize; u4 debugInfoOff; u4 insnsSize; u2 insns[1 ]; };
9、map_list 在书中的意思是,Dalvik虚拟机解析Dex后,将其映射成DexMapList的数据结构,然后在里面可以找到前面8个部分的偏移和大小。先看看结构体
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 struct DexMapItem { u2 type; u2 unused; u4 size ; u4 offset; }; struct DexMapList { u4 size ; DexMapItem list [1 ]; }; enum { kDexTypeHeaderItem = 0x0000 , kDexTypeStringIdItem = 0x0001 , kDexTypeTypeIdItem = 0x0002 , kDexTypeProtoIdItem = 0x0003 , kDexTypeFieldIdItem = 0x0004 , kDexTypeMethodIdItem = 0x0005 , kDexTypeClassDefItem = 0x0006 , kDexTypeCallSiteIdItem = 0x0007 , kDexTypeMethodHandleItem = 0x0008 , kDexTypeMapList = 0x1000 , kDexTypeTypeList = 0x1001 , kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList = 0x1002 , kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem = 0x1003 , kDexTypeClassDataItem = 0x2000 , kDexTypeCodeItem = 0x2001 , kDexTypeStringDataItem = 0x2002 , kDexTypeDebugInfoItem = 0x2003 , kDexTypeAnnotationItem = 0x2004 , kDexTypeEncodedArrayItem = 0x2005 , kDexTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem = 0x2006 , };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 int dexSwapAndVerify (u1* addr, size_t len) { ... if (okay) { if (pHeader->mapOff != 0 ) { DexFile dexFile; DexMapList* pDexMap = (DexMapList*) (addr + pHeader->mapOff); okay = okay && swapMap(&state, pDexMap); okay = okay && swapEverythingButHeaderAndMap(&state, pDexMap); dexFileSetupBasicPointers(&dexFile, addr); state.pDexFile = &dexFile; okay = okay && crossVerifyEverything(&state, pDexMap); } else { ALOGE("ERROR: No map found; impossible to byte-swap and verify" ); okay = false ; } } ... return !okay; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 static bool swapMap (CheckState* state, DexMapList* pMap) { DexMapItem* item = pMap->list ; u4 count; u4 dataItemCount = 0 ; u4 dataItemsLeft = state->pHeader->dataSize; u4 usedBits = 0 ; bool first = true ; u4 lastOffset = 0 ; SWAP_FIELD4(pMap->size ); count = pMap->size ; const u4 sizeOfItem = (u4) sizeof (DexMapItem); CHECK_LIST_SIZE(item, count, sizeOfItem); while (count--) { SWAP_FIELD2(item->type); SWAP_FIELD2(item->unused); SWAP_FIELD4(item->size ); SWAP_OFFSET4(item->offset); if (first) { first = false ; } else if (lastOffset >= item->offset) { ALOGE("Out-of-order map item: %#x then %#x" , lastOffset, item->offset); return false ; } if (item->offset >= state->pHeader->fileSize) { ALOGE("Map item after end of file: %x, size %#x" , item->offset, state->pHeader->fileSize); return false ; } if (isDataSectionType(item->type)) { u4 icount = item->size ; if (icount > dataItemsLeft) { ALOGE("Unrealistically many items in the data section: " "at least %d" , dataItemCount + icount); return false ; } dataItemsLeft -= icount; dataItemCount += icount; } u4 bit = mapTypeToBitMask(item->type); if (bit == 0 ) { return false ; } if ((usedBits & bit ) != 0 ) { ALOGE("Duplicate map section of type %#x" , item->type); return false ; } if (item->type == kDexTypeCallSiteIdItem) { state->pCallSiteIds = item; } else if (item->type == kDexTypeMethodHandleItem) { state->pMethodHandleItems = item; } usedBits |= bit ; lastOffset = item->offset; item++; } if ((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeHeaderItem)) == 0 ) { ALOGE("Map is missing header entry" ); return false ; } if ((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeMapList)) == 0 ) { ALOGE("Map is missing map_list entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeStringIdItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->stringIdsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->stringIdsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing string_ids entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeTypeIdItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->typeIdsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->typeIdsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing type_ids entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeProtoIdItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->protoIdsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->protoIdsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing proto_ids entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeFieldIdItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->fieldIdsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->fieldIdsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing field_ids entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeMethodIdItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->methodIdsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->methodIdsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing method_ids entry" ); return false ; } if (((usedBits & mapTypeToBitMask(kDexTypeClassDefItem)) == 0 ) && ((state->pHeader->classDefsOff != 0 ) || (state->pHeader->classDefsSize != 0 ))) { ALOGE("Map is missing class_defs entry" ); return false ; } state->pDataMap = dexDataMapAlloc(dataItemCount); if (state->pDataMap == NULL ) { ALOGE("Unable to allocate data map (size %#x)" , dataItemCount); return false ; } return true ; }
案例分析 案例一:fart 1、github
2、功能说明 这是一个脱壳工具,使用主动调用的方式来解决二代抽取壳。脱出来的数据不止是dex。还有一种.bin的数据,这种数据可以用来辅助我们修复dex的一些没有脱出来的函数。我们先看下.bin数据是什么,下面是.bin中的一组数据
1 {name:ooxx,method_idx:1830,offset:180516,code_item_len:24,ins:AQABAAEAAAB+oAMABAAAAHAQwAsAAA4A};
1 2 3 4 var base64ptr = funcBase64_encode(ptr(codeitemstartaddr), codeitemlength, ptr(base64lengthptr));var b64content = ptr(base64ptr).readCString(base64lengthptr.readInt());funcFreeptr(ptr(base64ptr)); var content = "{name:ooxx,method_idx:" + dex_method_index_ + ",offset:" + dex_code_item_offset_ + ",code_item_len:" + codeitemlength + ",ins:" + b64content + "};" ;
3、使用 然后看看fart.py的使用./fart.py -d 431528_29868.dex -i 431528_29868.bin
4、源码分析 我们可以通过对这个项目的阅读,直观的了解到是如何进行dex文件格式进行解析的。下面开始看看具体的实现流程
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 def main (): dex = dex_parser(filename) if __name__ == "__main__" : init() methodTable.clear() parseinsfile() print "methodTable length:" + str(len(methodTable)) main()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 def parseinsfile (): global insfilename insfile=open(insfilename) content=insfile.read() insfile.close() insarray=re.findall(r"{name:(.*?),method_idx:(.*?),offset:(.*?),code_item_len:(.*?),ins:(.*?)}" ,content) for eachins in insarray: methodname=eachins[0 ].replace(" " ,"" ) number=(int)(eachins[1 ]) offset=(int)(eachins[2 ]) inssize=int(eachins[3 ]) ins=eachins[4 ] tempmethod=CodeItem(number,methodname,inssize,ins) methodTable[number]=tempmethod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 class dex_parser : def __init__ (self,filename ): global DEX_MAGIC global DEX_OPT_MAGIC self.m_javaobject_id = 0 self.m_filename = filename self.m_fd = open(filename,"rb" ) self.m_content = self.m_fd.read() self.m_fd.close() self.m_dex_optheader = None self.m_class_name_id = {} self.string_table = [] if self.m_content[0 :4 ] == DEX_OPT_MAGIC: self.init_optheader(self.m_content) self.init_header(self.m_content,0x40 ) elif self.m_content[0 :4 ] == DEX_MAGIC: self.init_header(self.m_content,0 ) bOffset = self.m_stringIdsOff if self.m_stringIdsSize > 0 : for i in xrange(0 ,self.m_stringIdsSize): offset, = struct.unpack_from("I" ,self.m_content,bOffset + i * 4 ) if i == 0 : start = offset else : skip, length = get_uleb128(self.m_content[start:start+5 ]) self.string_table.append(self.m_content[start+skip:offset-1 ]) start = offset for i in xrange(start,len(self.m_content)): if self.m_content[i]==chr(0 ): self.string_table.append(self.m_content[start+1 :i]) break for i in xrange(0 ,self.m_classDefSize): str1 = self.getclassname(i) self.m_class_name_id[str1] = i for i in xrange(0 ,self.m_classDefSize): str1 = self.getclassname(i) dex_class(self,i).printf(self) pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 def varint_encode (number ): buf = b'' while True : towrite = number & 0x7f number >>= 7 if number: buf += struct.pack("B" ,(towrite | 0x80 )) else : buf += struct.pack("B" ,towrite) break return buf def varint_decode (buff ): shift = 0 result = 0 idx=0 while True : if idx>len(buff): return "" i = buff[idx] idx+=1 result |= (i & 0x7f ) << shift shift += 7 if not (i & 0x80 ): break return result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 class dex_class : def __init__ (self,dex_object,classid ): if classid >= dex_object.m_classDefSize: return "" offset = dex_object.m_classDefOffset + classid * struct.calcsize("8I" ) self.offset = offset format = "I" self.thisClass,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.modifiers,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.superClass,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.interfacesOff,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.sourceFileIdx,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.annotationsOff,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.classDataOff,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.staticValuesOff,=struct.unpack_from(format,dex_object.m_content,offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.index = classid self.interfacesSize = 0 if self.interfacesOff != 0 : self.interfacesSize, = struct.unpack_from("I" ,dex_object.m_content,self.interfacesOff) if self.classDataOff != 0 : offset = self.classDataOff count,self.numStaticFields = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:]) offset += count count,self.numInstanceFields = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:]) offset += count count,self.numDirectMethods = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:]) offset += count count,self.numVirtualMethods = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:]) else : self.numStaticFields = 0 self.numInstanceFields = 0 self.numDirectMethods = 0 self.numVirtualMethods = 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 def printf (self,dex_object ): ... print "=========numDirectMethods[%d]=numVirtualMethods[%d]=numStaticMethods[0]=========" %(self.numDirectMethods,self.numVirtualMethods) method_idx = 0 for i in xrange(0 ,self.numDirectMethods): n,method_idx_diff = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:offset+5 ]) offset += n n,access_flags = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:offset+5 ]) offset += n n,code_off = get_uleb128(dex_object.m_content[offset:offset+5 ]) offset += n method_idx += method_idx_diff if code_off != 0 : methodname=dex_object.getmethodfullname(method_idx,True ).replace("::" ,"." ).replace(" " ,"" ) method=None try : method = methodTable[method_idx] except Exception as e: pass if method != None : print "\nDirectMethod:" + dex_object.getmethodfullname(method_idx, True ) + "\n" try : print "before repire method+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" method_code(dex_object, code_off).printf(dex_object, "\t\t" ) except Exception as e: print e try : bytearray_str = base64.b64decode(method.insarray) print "after repire method++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" repired_method_code(dex_object, bytearray_str).printf(dex_object, "\t\t" ) except Exception as e: print e ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 class repired_method_code : dex_obj=None content = "" trylist = [] def __init__ (self, dex_obj,content ): offset=0 format = "H" self.dex_obj=dex_obj self.content=content self.registers_size, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.ins_size, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.outs_size, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.tries_size, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) format = "I" self.debug_info_off, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.insns_size, = struct.unpack_from(format, content, offset) offset += struct.calcsize(format) self.insns = offset offset += 2 * self.insns_size if self.insns_size % 2 == 1 : offset += 2 if self.tries_size == 0 : self.tries = 0 self.handlers = 0 else : self.handlerlist_offset = offset + 8 * self.tries_size self.tries = offset for i in range(0 , self.tries_size): temptryitem = tryitem(self.dex_obj,content, self.handlerlist_offset, offset + 8 * i) self.trylist.append(temptryitem) self.handlers = offset + self.tries_size * struct.calcsize("I2H" )
案例二:dex2jar 1、github:
2、功能说明 这个工具基本大家都用过。功能非常强大,不过这里只分析下d2j_dex2jar功能。也就是把dex给转换成jar文件。
3、使用 下载release版本直接./d2j-dex2jar.sh classes.dex
4、源码分析 第一步是找到入口,根据我们上面的使用例子,先搜索下d2j-dex2jar。然后找到了下面的文件
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @BaseCmd .Syntax(cmd = "d2j-dex2jar" , syntax = "[options] <file0> [file1 ... fileN]" , desc = "convert dex to jar" )public class Dex2jarCmd extends BaseCmd { public static void main (String... args) { new Dex2jarCmd().doMain(args); } ... }
1 2 3 4 5 public void doMain (String... args) { ... doCommandLine(); ... }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 protected void doCommandLine () throws Exception { ... for (String fileName : remainingArgs) { String baseName = getBaseName(new File(fileName).toPath()); Path file = output == null ? currentDir.resolve(baseName + "-dex2jar.jar" ) : output; System.err.println("dex2jar " + fileName + " -> " + file); BaseDexFileReader reader = MultiDexFileReader.open(Files.readAllBytes(new File(fileName).toPath())); BaksmaliBaseDexExceptionHandler handler = notHandleException ? null : new BaksmaliBaseDexExceptionHandler(); Dex2jar.from(reader).withExceptionHandler(handler).reUseReg(reuseReg).topoLogicalSort() .skipDebug(!debugInfo).optimizeSynchronized(this .optmizeSynchronized).printIR(printIR) .noCode(noCode).skipExceptions(skipExceptions).to(file); if (!notHandleException) { if (handler.hasException()) { Path errorFile = exceptionFile == null ? currentDir.resolve(baseName + "-error.zip" ) : exceptionFile; System.err.println("Detail Error Information in File " + errorFile); System.err.println(BaksmaliBaseDexExceptionHandler.REPORT_MESSAGE); handler.dump(errorFile, orginalArgs); } } } }
1、解析dex的 MultiDexFileReader.open方法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 public static BaseDexFileReader open (byte [] data) throws IOException { if (data.length < 3 ) { throw new IOException("File too small to be a dex/zip" ); } if ("dex" .equals(new String(data, 0 , 3 , StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1))) { return new DexFileReader(data); } else if ("PK" .equals(new String(data, 0 , 2 , StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1))) { TreeMap<String, DexFileReader> dexFileReaders = new TreeMap<>(); try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(data)) { for (ZipEntry e : zipFile.entries()) { String entryName = e.getName(); if (entryName.startsWith("classes" ) && entryName.endsWith(".dex" )) { if (!dexFileReaders.containsKey(entryName)) { dexFileReaders.put(entryName, new DexFileReader(toByteArray(zipFile.getInputStream(e)))); } } } } if (dexFileReaders.size() == 0 ) { throw new IOException("Can not find classes.dex in zip file" ); } else if (dexFileReaders.size() == 1 ) { return dexFileReaders.firstEntry().getValue(); } else { return new MultiDexFileReader(dexFileReaders.values()); } } throw new IOException("the src file not a .dex or zip file" ); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 public DexFileReader (byte [] data) { this (ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); } public DexFileReader (ByteBuffer in) { in.position(0 ); in = in.asReadOnlyBuffer().order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); int magic = in.getInt() & 0xFFFFFF00 ; final int MAGIC_DEX = 0x6465780A & 0xFFFFFF00 ; final int MAGIC_ODEX = 0x6465790A & 0xFFFFFF00 ; if (magic == MAGIC_DEX) { ; } else if (magic == MAGIC_ODEX) { throw new DexException("Not support odex" ); } else { throw new DexException("not support magic." ); } int version = in.getInt() >> 8 ; if (version < 0 || version < DEX_035) { throw new DexException("not support version." ); } this .dex_version = version; in.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); skip(in, 4 + 20 + 4 + 4 ); int endian_tag = in.getInt(); if (endian_tag != ENDIAN_CONSTANT) { throw new DexException("not support endian_tag" ); } skip(in, 4 + 4 ); int map_off = in.getInt(); string_ids_size = in.getInt(); int string_ids_off = in.getInt(); type_ids_size = in.getInt(); int type_ids_off = in.getInt(); proto_ids_size = in.getInt(); int proto_ids_off = in.getInt(); field_ids_size = in.getInt(); int field_ids_off = in.getInt(); method_ids_size = in.getInt(); int method_ids_off = in.getInt(); class_defs_size = in.getInt(); int class_defs_off = in.getInt(); int call_site_ids_off = 0 ; int call_site_ids_size = 0 ; int method_handle_ids_off = 0 ; int method_handle_ids_size = 0 ; if (dex_version > DEX_037) { in.position(map_off); int size = in.getInt(); for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++) { int type = in.getShort() & 0xFFFF ; in.getShort(); int item_size = in.getInt(); int item_offset = in.getInt(); switch (type) { case TYPE_CALL_SITE_ID_ITEM: call_site_ids_off = item_offset; call_site_ids_size = item_size; break ; case TYPE_METHOD_HANDLE_ITEM: method_handle_ids_off = item_offset; method_handle_ids_size = item_size; break ; default : break ; } } } this .call_site_ids_size = call_site_ids_size; this .method_handle_ids_size = method_handle_ids_size; stringIdIn = slice(in, string_ids_off, string_ids_size * 4 ); typeIdIn = slice(in, type_ids_off, type_ids_size * 4 ); protoIdIn = slice(in, proto_ids_off, proto_ids_size * 12 ); fieldIdIn = slice(in, field_ids_off, field_ids_size * 8 ); methoIdIn = slice(in, method_ids_off, method_ids_size * 8 ); classDefIn = slice(in, class_defs_off, class_defs_size * 32 ); callSiteIdIn = slice(in, call_site_ids_off, call_site_ids_size * 4 ); methodHandleIdIn = slice(in, method_handle_ids_off, method_handle_ids_size * 8 ); in.position(0 ); annotationsDirectoryItemIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); annotationSetItemIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); annotationItemIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); annotationSetRefListIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); classDataIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); codeItemIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); stringDataIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); encodedArrayItemIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); typeListIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); debugInfoIn = in.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 public void to (Path file) throws IOException { if (Files.exists(file) && Files.isDirectory(file)) { doTranslate(file); } else { try (FileSystem fs = createZip(file)) { doTranslate(fs.getPath("/" )); } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 private void doTranslate (final Path dist) throws IOException { ... DexFileNode fileNode = new DexFileNode(); try { reader.accept(fileNode, readerConfig | DexFileReader.IGNORE_READ_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionHandler.handleFileException(ex); } ... }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 public void accept (DexFileVisitor dv, int config) { dv.visitDexFileVersion(this .dex_version); for (int cid = 0 ; cid < class_defs_size; cid++) { accept(dv, cid, config); } dv.visitEnd(); } public void accept (DexFileVisitor dv, int classIdx, int config) { classDefIn.position(classIdx * 32 ); int class_idx = classDefIn.getInt(); int access_flags = classDefIn.getInt(); int superclass_idx = classDefIn.getInt(); int interfaces_off = classDefIn.getInt(); int source_file_idx = classDefIn.getInt(); int annotations_off = classDefIn.getInt(); int class_data_off = classDefIn.getInt(); int static_values_off = classDefIn.getInt(); String className = getType(class_idx); if (ignoreClass(className)) return ; String superClassName = getType(superclass_idx); String[] interfaceNames = getTypeList(interfaces_off); try { DexClassVisitor dcv = dv.visit(access_flags, className, superClassName, interfaceNames); if (dcv != null ) { acceptClass(dcv, source_file_idx, annotations_off, class_data_off, static_values_off, config); dcv.visitEnd(); } } catch (Exception ex) { DexException dexException = new DexException(ex, "Error process class: [%d]%s" , class_idx, className); if (0 != (config & IGNORE_READ_EXCEPTION)) { niceExceptionMessage(dexException, 0 ); } else { throw dexException; } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 private void acceptClass (DexClassVisitor dcv, int source_file_idx, int annotations_off, int class_data_off, int static_values_off, int config) { if ((config & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0 ) { if (source_file_idx != -1 ) { dcv.visitSource(this .getString(source_file_idx)); } } Map<Integer, Integer> fieldAnnotationPositions; Map<Integer, Integer> methodAnnotationPositions; Map<Integer, Integer> paramAnnotationPositions; if ((config & SKIP_ANNOTATION) == 0 ) { fieldAnnotationPositions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); methodAnnotationPositions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); paramAnnotationPositions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (annotations_off != 0 ) { annotationsDirectoryItemIn.position(annotations_off); int class_annotations_off = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int field_annotation_size = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int method_annotation_size = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int parameter_annotation_size = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); for (int i = 0 ; i < field_annotation_size; i++) { int field_idx = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int field_annotations_offset = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); fieldAnnotationPositions.put(field_idx, field_annotations_offset); } for (int i = 0 ; i < method_annotation_size; i++) { int method_idx = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int method_annotation_offset = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); methodAnnotationPositions.put(method_idx, method_annotation_offset); } for (int i = 0 ; i < parameter_annotation_size; i++) { int method_idx = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); int parameter_annotation_offset = annotationsDirectoryItemIn.getInt(); paramAnnotationPositions.put(method_idx, parameter_annotation_offset); } if (class_annotations_off != 0 ) { try { read_annotation_set_item(class_annotations_off, dcv); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException("error on reading Annotation of class " , e); } } } } else { fieldAnnotationPositions = null ; methodAnnotationPositions = null ; paramAnnotationPositions = null ; } if (class_data_off != 0 ) { ByteBuffer in = classDataIn; in.position(class_data_off); int static_fields = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int instance_fields = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int direct_methods = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int virtual_methods = (int ) readULeb128i(in); { int lastIndex = 0 ; { Object[] constant = null ; if ((config & SKIP_FIELD_CONSTANT) == 0 ) { if (static_values_off != 0 ) { constant = read_encoded_array_item(static_values_off); } } for (int i = 0 ; i < static_fields; i++) { Object value = null ; if (constant != null && i < constant.length) { value = constant[i]; } lastIndex = acceptField(in, lastIndex, dcv, fieldAnnotationPositions, value, config); } } lastIndex = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < instance_fields; i++) { lastIndex = acceptField(in, lastIndex, dcv, fieldAnnotationPositions, null , config); } lastIndex = 0 ; boolean firstMethod = true ; for (int i = 0 ; i < direct_methods; i++) { lastIndex = acceptMethod(in, lastIndex, dcv, methodAnnotationPositions, paramAnnotationPositions, config, firstMethod); firstMethod = false ; } lastIndex = 0 ; firstMethod = true ; for (int i = 0 ; i < virtual_methods; i++) { lastIndex = acceptMethod(in, lastIndex, dcv, methodAnnotationPositions, paramAnnotationPositions, config, firstMethod); firstMethod = false ; } } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 private Field getField (int id) { fieldIdIn.position(id * 8 ); int owner_idx = 0xFFFF & fieldIdIn.getShort(); int type_idx = 0xFFFF & fieldIdIn.getShort(); int name_idx = fieldIdIn.getInt(); return new Field(getType(owner_idx), getString(name_idx), getType(type_idx)); } private int acceptField (ByteBuffer in, int lastIndex, DexClassVisitor dcv, Map<Integer, Integer> fieldAnnotationPositions, Object value, int config) { int diff = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int field_access_flags = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int field_id = lastIndex + diff; Field field = getField(field_id); DexFieldVisitor dfv = dcv.visitField(field_access_flags, field, value); if (dfv != null ) { if ((config & SKIP_ANNOTATION) == 0 ) { Integer annotation_offset = fieldAnnotationPositions.get(field_id); if (annotation_offset != null ) { try { read_annotation_set_item(annotation_offset, dfv); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException(e, "while accept annotation in field:%s." , field.toString()); } } } dfv.visitEnd(); } return field_id; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 private Method getMethod (int id) { methoIdIn.position(id * 8 ); int owner_idx = 0xFFFF & methoIdIn.getShort(); int proto_idx = 0xFFFF & methoIdIn.getShort(); int name_idx = methoIdIn.getInt(); return new Method(getType(owner_idx), getString(name_idx), getProto(proto_idx)); } private int acceptMethod (ByteBuffer in, int lastIndex, DexClassVisitor cv, Map<Integer, Integer> methodAnnos, Map<Integer, Integer> parameterAnnos, int config, boolean firstMethod) { int offset = in.position(); int diff = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int method_access_flags = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int code_off = (int ) readULeb128i(in); int method_id = lastIndex + diff; Method method = getMethod(method_id); ... try { DexMethodVisitor dmv = cv.visitMethod(method_access_flags, method); if (dmv != null ) { if ((config & SKIP_ANNOTATION) == 0 ) { Integer annotation_offset = methodAnnos.get(method_id); if (annotation_offset != null ) { try { read_annotation_set_item(annotation_offset, dmv); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException(e, "while accept annotation in method:%s." , method.toString()); } } Integer parameter_annotation_offset = parameterAnnos.get(method_id); if (parameter_annotation_offset != null ) { try { read_annotation_set_ref_list(parameter_annotation_offset, dmv); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException(e, "while accept parameter annotation in method:%s." , method.toString()); } } } if (code_off != 0 ) { boolean keep = true ; if (0 != (SKIP_CODE & config)) { keep = 0 != (KEEP_CLINIT & config) && method.getName().equals("<clinit>" ); } if (keep) { DexCodeVisitor dcv = dmv.visitCode(); if (dcv != null ) { try { acceptCode(code_off, dcv, config, (method_access_flags & DexConstants.ACC_STATIC) != 0 , method); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException(e, "while accept code in method:[%s] @%08x" , method.toString(), code_off); } } } } dmv.visitEnd(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DexException(e, "while accept method:[%s]" , method.toString()); } return method_id; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 void acceptCode (int code_off, DexCodeVisitor dcv, int config, boolean isStatic, Method method) { ByteBuffer in = codeItemIn; in.position(code_off); int registers_size = 0xFFFF & in.getShort(); in.getShort(); in.getShort(); int tries_size = 0xFFFF & in.getShort(); int debug_info_off = in.getInt(); int insns = in.getInt(); byte [] insnsArray = new byte [insns * 2 ]; in.get(insnsArray); dcv.visitRegister(registers_size); BitSet nextInsn = new BitSet(); Map<Integer, DexLabel> labelsMap = new TreeMap<Integer, DexLabel>(); Set<Integer> handlers = new HashSet<Integer>(); if (tries_size > 0 ) { if ((insns & 0x01 ) != 0 ) { in.getShort(); } if (0 == (config & SKIP_EXCEPTION)) { findTryCatch(in, dcv, tries_size, insns, labelsMap, handlers); } } if (debug_info_off != 0 && (0 == (config & SKIP_DEBUG))) { DexDebugVisitor ddv = dcv.visitDebug(); if (ddv != null ) { read_debug_info(debug_info_off, registers_size, isStatic, method, labelsMap, ddv); ddv.visitEnd(); } } BitSet badOps = new BitSet(); findLabels(insnsArray, nextInsn, badOps, labelsMap, handlers, method); acceptInsn(insnsArray, dcv, nextInsn, badOps, labelsMap); dcv.visitEnd(); }
疑问 fart的修复方案仅仅是打印出了保存的指令数据。如果我们是想要直接转成.class文件或者是jar文件。是否可行呢。